Being served with a foreclosure suit can be scary and overwhelming, but don't despair! You have time, and you have options, but applying for mediation is a must!
Connecticut offers a free foreclosure mediation program!
If the home being foreclosed on is your primary residence, you are likely eligible for this free program. In mediation a neutral third party is assigned to work with you and your lender to come up with an alternative workout to avoid the foreclosure. Even if you are currently in the middle of an attempted workout such as a short sale, it is still always a good idea to sign up for and attend mediation. This will serve to extend your timeline for completing the workout and avoid a hasty foreclosure.
1 in every 1,500 Connecticut homeowners is currently in some stage of foreclosure, and the mediation program is a fantastic free program anyone eligible should take advantage of.
Last Updated on September 19, 2022 by Minna Reid